Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wicked weather

As the deadly storms roll through Oklahoma spreading death and destruction, I am thankful that they basically fell apart when they reached me. I say a prayer for those that died and are trying to recover from their injuries. For those that lost everything except for their lives, I hope they are able to have a speedy recovery from their losses. Two years ago this month when the Tornado came through Denning-Altus area I lost part of the roof on the house and other damage. Along with not having power for seven days which meant we lost all our frozen foods along with everything in the refrigerator. It took months afterwards to refill and restore everything back like it was. At least the house still stood and we were able to overcome the damage. Those in Oklahoma I know will overcome this just as they did in Joplin. Starting over is one of the most difficult things and the emotional scars left behind by the tornado will take a long time to heal. I know that when the sirens went off here, we have a secure shelter and people that normally never took cover before came crowding in. It was okay with us, we brought plenty of water but the only thing we forgot was something to use for a bathroom but we worked it out. Boy it gets stuffy in a crowded storm shelter but we all were okay It turned out to be just wind and hail that caused problems around here. No tornado materialized, thank goodness!
Today could have another return of the wicked weather but we are in the slight risk category so we should be okay, but the storm cellar is ready if it turns bad around here. Talk back to me, I'm listening!

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