Saturday, April 26, 2014

What is wrong with me?

I didn't even feel like I should write this blog but I know others expect it, so I did. I can't understand why I am avoiding the computer right now. Do you feel that way? Where it is a chore to just turn it on? It started when my wife asked me to make her raised beds for her garden making me leave my familiar like cubical. After completing that task outside, I didn't want to return to the computer. I find reasons to avoid it I haven't written anything in the two books I'm working on. Very seldom blogged or joined in my usual social media sites and commented. I just can't seem to focus, I am reading two books for reviews but can't, I guess it is spring fever, after being cooped  up inside all winter. This was a particularly bad winter and long. Do you feel this way, that when it is warm, you want to stay outdoors? Talk back, I'm Listening. 

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